My enquiry of WSCC on 'progress' (10/6/24) shows there is none. The County are blaming this on the adjacent land owners and do not seem to be near any resolution. This could drag on for years!
Here is the reply I received:
There has been a lot of anger directed at both WSCC and the relevant landowners over this debacle.
In their defence, the landowners have stated this:
On behalf of the landowners, A29 Church Hill:
This is perhaps a long overdue posting on a platform that has directed considerable animosity towards us as the landowners and who are believed to be holding up the work necessary to reopen the A29. Residents and businesses are quite rightly angered and frustrated, and in the absence of any information as to what is going on, sadly bound to be attracted to all manner of conspiracy theories.
We have to date remained silent on the subject given the sensitive nature of the discussions between WSCC Highways and ourselves and the legal implications for both of us. However in the light of their recent actions, and the statement put out on their behalf which effectively places the blame fairly and squarely on us, we feel that we have no choice, at this time, than to put out a brief statement to better align all those who have concerns or have been effected by the road closure.
Just after Christmas there is reason to believe that two HGVs clipped each other within the cutting at its narrowest point causing one to collide with a tree on the west side and the other to drive onto the embankment on the east side. Shortly after the tree failed bringing down a quantity of earth onto the Highway. A lesser slippage resulted on the opposite bank.
As landowners, we have for the last 25 years been asking WSCC to address our concerns as to the dangers imposed by HGV's and the threat that they pose to our properties and to pedestrians. We have long warned that serious consequences were inevitable.
WSCC is of the opinion that the problem is geological in nature, despite the cutting having been in existence for over 200 years. To this end we have been asked to approve works for investigation. This proposal would have resulted in temporary measures being put into place for up to 14 months before the road was again closed so that work could start on a solution. What this solution might be, they are unable at this point to tell us.
We therefore took the initiative to to get a respected Highways Engineer to give an opinion. We were advised that the proposed work was unnecessary and would place further strain on the embankment. He further came up with a plan of works that would not necessitate further closures and could be quickly implemented.
We have shared this information with WSCC and suggested a third opinion if they are undecided. Permission was long ago granted to trim trees and conduct a full survey to identify any problems. The CEO has been asked to review the matter or to have it independently investigated to establish whether there are any failings on our part.
Unfortunately in issuing statutory notices, WSCC has left us in an untenable position in that it is impossible for us to comply with the terms to keep the Highway clear when they will not take any measures to prevent the HGV's destabilising it and dragging earth and vegitation from the embankments. As failure to comply is a criminal offence they now have to be appealed. This should not effect the opening of the road to one way traffic but might further delay a full opening, for which we apologise.
We hope that whatever is going on inside WSCC will yet resolve itself and we will be presented with something on which we can understand and agree. More importantly something that addresses the collective interests of the whole community, which people seem to forget, we are a part.
Sadly the Police have had to become involved such is the level of ill feeling We would like to offer a more detailed explanation to you as to what has or hasn't been going on behind the scenes, but hope that this explanation is sufficient for the time being.
We will shortly better inform both the local and wider communities through a variety of media platforms and, if it will help, are happy to address a collective meeting to respond to whatever questions you might have. We are also, in fairness happy to include representatives of WSCC in order that you be given a balanced viewpoint.
****NEW - Nomads are introducing 'Family Boxes ****
Nomads Fish and Chips tell me that because they have been turning away so many disappointed customers on their Friday visits (parking opposite Nisa) that they tried to help the starving folk of West Chiltington by visiting on Mondays, but the desire for Monday 'Fruits of the Ocean' has been uninspired! Come along and see them.
You cannot beat the freshly prepared F&C! I know because I've had it and it is delicious! They will cook other items to order from the menu.
You can pre-order on 07780 764202 and have it waiting at the van when you turn up! The response in West Chiltington has been excellent - it is very popular.
You can look at the menu at Nomads
Previously announced changes to be reversed following huge public campaign
This excellent charity provides a vital service for people in the area BUT is need of more volunteer drivers and escorts. Please consider giving up a little time for this worthwhile option for those who cannot either drive themselves or use public transport. See the Transport page for more information
North Yorkshire Police getting excited on Twitter!
~"Yesterday one of our officers enforced in a community on the #A171 near #Scarborough when this vehicle was recorded travelling at 48mph in a 30mph limit. The chances of a person surviving if hit by a car at this speed is pretty slim. It's 30 for a reason so please #SlowDown.!"
Cannot see what the fuss is about - we do much better here! 60mph in our 30 limit - AND NO POLICE. Much better value for money?
A multi-billion $ US company 'NEXTDOOR' is attempting to expand its operation in the UK by sending out unsolicited letters purporting to come from local people, sometimes, apparently, without their knowledge.
NextDoor is a community 'chat' forum along the lines of Facebook, Twitter and all the others, but more locally focussed. It gives the impression of being philanthropically based, but, beware, it is almost certainly 'In the business' of harvesting email addresses and names for use in targeted advertising, from which its income derives. A few minutes spent with your favourite search engine will show you what others think of it.
There is nothing wrong with the idea. A local 'chat' arena is of great use, although the one I ran here a few years back died of starvation! That's just 'West Chiltington'.....!
You will probably have received an invitation to 'join' from a local 'recruiter'. These people somehow receive a 'reward' for 'recruiting' in the form of some sort of 'bonus points', although what one does with these 'points' I have no idea! If you do decide to join, do be aware that there is a history with similar sites, like Facebook, of the 'sale' of your data for commercial gain. There are options to 'skip' a large amount of the 'registration' detail - I suggest you use them.
Lastly, should you subsequently receive unsolicited advertising through 'NextDoor', I would suggest you de-register and ask for all your details to be removed.
Quite a few coming up in the next 3 months around us. WSCC no longer provide the information, but use a web service called 'One Network'. As far as I can see you need to register with this lot, so not nearly as useful as the old system
.I, and many others, have a filter on our home phone to send all calls from such to a junk box - you know, PPI claims, 'Your accident Mr Smith', 'Your computer is infected' etc etc. I did not know until recently that if YOU are a 'withheld number' affectianado but wish to get your call through this barrier, you need to prefix the number dialled with 1470. This will send your number into the network and it is no longer 'number withheld' (for that call only).
The service invites your local groups, club, society or other organisations to book a talk (free of charge) to find out more about the work of the charity.
By inviting one of their volunteer speakers to your group, you will be helping to raise awareness of our work and therefore ensuring we can be there for those who need them, now and in the future.
For more information or to book a talk, please contact them on 01622 833 833 or email them.
Our own local Animal Sanctuary really needs more volunteers to help with the animals.
Can you help? Please call 0770 667319 or email ABC if you can.
'CityMapper' is nothing short of brilliant, especially if you visit London or other major cities in the world. It is available for IOS and Android. I do NOT know how the programmers have done it, but it has an amazing access (eg in London) to Buses and Bus routes+arrival times/Trains - schedules and live and planned/Tube/Taxi (including Uber) and even Boris's bicycles, plus the old 'Shank's Pony'! It even displays current travel warnings/delays. I think it is stunning and well worth a look.
A law firm called Leigh Day are compiling a 'case' against VW for owners who have or will have lost value or economy from this. If you feel you would like to join their lists and be updated by them visit Leigh Day. I have personal experience of Leigh Day and they are extremely efficient and effective.
Case now settled with big payout by VW!
I had cause again recently to require a particular bolt size for a repair and it occurred to me that many of you will not know (as I didn't at one point) of the little store tucked away on the Broomers Hill Industrial Estate. An amazing ability to source anything and everything in the fastening line and well worth a visit when the need arises. Called 'Connect2'. I have no connection with this business but post this for the benefit of those in need.
Adults - PLEASE come and help us at our brownie and guide meetings. We would dearly love to open a Rainbows unit for 5-7 yrs but haven't got enough volunteers? If you would like to help, see our entry.
I have no connection other than as a very satisfied customer with Refresh Cartridges, but I thought some of you might like a 'customer report'. I have been using this company for over a year for my Canon Pixma inkjet printer, following a recommendation from a friend. In all that time I have had no issues with quality, nor has the 'threatened printer death', the printer manufacturers will frighten you with, occurred. Amazingly good quality ink, amazingly good price - and if you order before tea-time the cartridges should be in your letterbox the next morning - free delivery!
The Bereavement Support Group was started about 11 years ago by Mary-Anne Elliker, who was then one of our Community Nurses. During the course of her work she met many people who had lost a loved one. For weeks, months, even years after bereavement, isolation and loneliness can set in. When someone is at their lowest ebb, they then have to pick themselves up and start a new chapter in their life.
Often people are offered counselling, but many refuse not wanting to talk to a stranger. The Support Group is a self-help group - somewhere where people who find themselves in similar circumstances can meet up and just make contact with others, knowing that everyone present understand, to a degree, how they feel. It is not a sad group; in fact it is very cheerful which sounds odd, but we don't talk about bereavement. That is the elephant standing in the corner - we all know it's there so we have no need to mention it. Of course if someone wants to talk about anything privately with another member, that is their decision. Mary-Anne and I are always there to listen and help if we can. It is a very casual meeting lasting about 2 hours, held once a month. We sit around and have a cup of tea or coffee and a piece of cake and generally have a good chat. It is a time to relax. Most months we have a speaker to give us a short talk or demonstration on any subject that might be of interest to all. In summer we go out for afternoon tea, and at Christmas we have a special lunch at a nearby pub. I also organise coach outings throughout the year and we go allover the place on day trips. It gives people who are by themselves the chance to go to various places with friends. Many lasting friendships have been made and we tend to look out for each other, offering support and advice if needed. You can find us on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 2pm on the ground floor of the Pulborough Medical Centre. The only exceptions to this are in June and December when we go out. Anyone who has been bereaved in any way, by the loss of a loved one, a way of life, a pet, health, etc is very welcome. It doesn't matter when this happened recently or years ago. You don't need to be referred by a doctor or nurse, although many are - just turn up or leave your name and phone number at Pulborough Surgery's Reception Desk marked' For the Bereavement Support Group' and we will contact you. The first step is the most difficult, but you can be assured of a warm welcome. There is no need to feel alone; come to a meeting and make new friends. Sue Jahan, Joint Group Leader November 2014 |
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If you want anything posted here as a notice to everyone in West Chiltington, use the contact form here and we will post it as soon as we can.
The Calendar is only for the use of Clubs, Societies and Business Partners who can use it for business promotion. If you need and have not got a user i/d and password for the calendar please contact us
If you wish to promote your business please use the contact form and consider sponsoring a link to help support the site. This site rates Number 1 on Google for the district.